Tammo Rist
Born in Ravensburg, Germany. Living in Oslo, Norway.
After my education at Universität der Künste Berlin and Kunstakademie Düsseldorf I moved to Norway in 2006. I have since worked in the art field and participated in a number of national and international exhibitions and projects. In recent years, I have worked mostly with digital media (photography and graphics), but also light objects, painting and performance.
In my artistic work I am interested in a deconstruction of the image by a mixture of different techniques to create works that move between classical artistic categories. The works have a biographical character. They are personal and represent places and situations I have been in and somehow caught my attention. The selection follows no major logic, it is the eye and the moment that determines whether it is interesting or not. In this way, many of the works occur spontaneously and are in no way perfect.